Today we know that the human brain can identify images in milliseconds, but have you ever wondered if #technology has advanced enough that functions like those of the human eye can be performed by computers, and even more so make decisions about the visual data that grasp?
The answer is "yes", since technology has advanced in such a way that through Artificial Intelligence (#AI) and specifically with #MachineVision, #DeepLearning and #ComputerVision, it is capable of capturing images that, by processing them, allows it to learn without the need for formats or models, which results in greater efficiency in operational functions and decision-making.
Systems equipped with Machine Vision technology are revolutionizing the processes of industries in different sectors. Examples of this are:
• Health: X-ray analysis, syringe check, contact lens check.
• Automotive: Quality control systems in the manufacture of tires and brakes.
• Electrical: robotic manufacturing of electrical circuits.
• Logistics: Packaging of parts, verification of dates and batches.
• Technological Development: Creation and development of Software.
Machine Vision along with new technological advances such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (#IoT), #BigData among others, are being key to the future of various industries, and provide great benefits in manufacturing processes such as:
• Facilitate the identification and solution of problems during production processes
• Increase production quality, guaranteeing that production complies 100% with the specifications determined by the manufacturer.
• Minimizes human errors, increasing the precision of manufacturing processes.
• Reduction of waste and saving of resources in the production of products.
• Detailed data feedback throughout the production process to optimize resources.
Thus, new technologies such as Machine Vision have come to stay, since through this powerful technology, machines today can detect what can happen imperceptibly to the human eye.