According to a recent survey, around 19 percent of respondents indicated having established a data culture in their organization. On the other hand, there are approximately 56 percent of respondents that reported driving business innovation with data. Statista Research Department January 20, 2022
Have we ever heard: “information is power”, and today more than ever this statement is fulfilled when all the actions that people and companies carry out are recorded through software that allows them to be converted into #data, which sometimes generate analysis very deep, which go as far as predicting the future behavior of the same people and companies.
The #technology at its inception recorded all the data that could be interpreted in a structured programming language called SQL (Structured Query Language). Currently, thanks to Artificial Intelligence (#AI), and #MachineLearning (ML), all the data that could not be interpreted in a structured language, and that usually handle binary languages, can now be interpreted thanks to these new technologies. This is how the amount of data that is generated by different activities, is of a greater volume, grows at a greater speed, although complex, its processing can be carried out without having to resort to traditional databases, for which this has given as a result the term “Big Data”.
Today, thanks to #BigData, companies can develop behavior models for their customers, which translates into better alternatives for attracting and retaining them. Large companies are willing to invest in powerful data analysis software, which allows them to generate unique behavior #algorithms, so as not to invent action strategies, but to base themselves on facts to, for example:
• Develop #marketing and #sales strategies, based on what your customers and even non-customers think and do with your products and services, which allows them to gain a better position in the market.
• More accurate #health diagnoses, based on various symptoms, treatments, and medications
• #Security in physical and online transactions: corroborating personal data and verifying payment behavior and credit status.