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Best Technologies for analyzing images

Until a few years ago, the #technology for image processing was limited to simple scanning, and having the images in digital format to be able to share them more easily. In these aspects, having a good scanner was optimal for #digitizing images and documents.

Nowadays, when we talk about the digitization of #images, we are talking about the exploitation of all the information that the image contains, so more than a simple digitization, we are talking about an analysis and exploitation of data.

The use of Artificial Intelligence (#AI) has been the key for new technological tools to allow images to be more than a fixed file, to become the capture of #information that can be exploited for different uses. Imagine that today by digitizing a personal identification, the owner's data can be extracted and compared against official databases, and even graphic information (photographs / signatures) can be separated from the information contained as text data.

Nowadays Artificial Intelligence (AI), in combination with certain technologies applied to image analysis, result in powerful tools for image analysis. Among the main technologies are:

#MachineVision: Artificial vision technology that offers the opportunity to be applied so that robots or equipment can "see" what is being done and gives them the ability to make decisions about what they are observing.

#MachineLearning: Through predictive algorithms, it allows systems to learn from the data that is generated, instead of prior programming.

#DeepLearning: It is considered a machine learning extension, which is trained with large amounts of data to make predictions.

#ComputerVision: Allows information to be obtained from images, videos and other visual inputs in digital format, so that software can make decisions and make recommendations based on the information obtained.

The use of information extracted from images has revolutionized the use in different sectors such as the health, financial, technological sector and even in the use of social networks.

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