Starting in 2020, life changed for everyone: people, businesses, governments, among others. Life as it took until 2019 took a turn for which no one was prepared: at the same time health, economics, and in itself life in general of the whole world collapsed.
Lifestyle change had to be changed in all respects, for #companies in specific, change ranged from moving work to their employees' homes (#HomeOffice), to entering digital markets they didn't have in mind.
While many comment that this pandemic is due to not measuring or controlling the risk of scientific advances, it is also true that technological advances became the heroes for keeping operations between companies, governments and even individuals afloat. As a simple example is communication, which although communication through certain #technological platforms was already common for some, is to this day that even people older than not because of this situation, would never have approached the management of a videoconference and/or digital processing.
More than a year after living a new reality, companies have changed the way they do business, highlighting three important points to take into account, which have allowed companies to stay afloat in the face of the #covid-19:
1. Management of robust technology platforms. Ensuring that operations are backed by platforms that allow transactions to be carried away in an agile, and reliable manner.
2. #Security in Operations. Ensure that users that transactions are carried out securely.
3. Emergency #protocols. Knowing what to do for both employees and customers, in a critical situation.
While it is true that we already have progress in eradicating the Covid-19 pandemic, it is also true that the changes have not been completed to adapt to a new reality, and that we will also have to assess the effects of life in general, since the pandemic has been eradicated globally, and review the effects it has left us on the way we do #business.
