As of January 2023, Brazil had approximately 181.8 million internet users. That is more than Mexico and Argentina combined, the two ranking second and third respectively. Meanwhile, in the Caribbean, the Dominican Republic featured the largest number of internet users.
Statista: Number of internet users in Latin America 2023, by country the (February 24, 2023)
The #internet has revolutionized the life that was had in recent times, since we can talk about the change of reading a physical book, for digital books; change from watching television through television systems with an open signal, to television systems through a private/paid signal or online, listening to music through a radio signal, to listening to it through systems over the Internet.
For the new generations, the term "Internet" is something common and that is embedded in their day to day as a necessary and vital service to be able to access the #information with which they always interact. But if we go back a bit in history, we will realize that the term "Internet" is a term to a certain extent recent, and that it has had key points in its history that we should be aware of.
Here we share five key facts in the history of the Internet that you should know:
1. One of the first records of #communication through a #network, and which establishes the origin of the internet, is when in August 1962, J.C.R. Licklider of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), enabled a series of written memoranda mentioning the possibility of interacting with information through a galactic network, where through a network of globally interconnected computers, information could be accessed at any time. part of the world and quickly.
2. From theory to practice: in 1957 the first artificial satellite "Sptunik 1" was launched by the USSR, which caused the USA to react and ARPA (Advance Research Projects Agency) was created, where they developed the first advances for the interconnection of several computers connected to the same network. Thus, research continues, and communication between various universities in the USA is interconnected. through a network, which is called ARPANET, whose objective was to maintain communication in times of uncertainty. Thus, by 1970, said agency laid the foundations for what we now know as email.
3. By 1983, the US Department of Defense decided to use a TCP/IP protocol for the ARPANET, officially starting what we know today as the Internet.
4. It is in March 1989, where a hypertext transfer protocol is used for the first time that gives way to the first web, using three new resources: #HTML, #HTTP and a program called Web Browser.
5. And by 1991, the network that had been born in a closed way, was opened in a public way, and that is how external users began to access the information in a public way. It is so that by 1993, the World Wide #Web only had 100 World Wide Web Sites and it is by 1997 where more than 200,000 were already registered.
And this is how this story continues to be written, since we are sure that technological advances will continue to take enormous steps, and the Internet will be one of the protagonists of them.